Wednesday, 15 July 2020

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cbse new syllabus 2020-21 for class 11 and 12

In this article we are going to read about cbse deleted portions 2021 for class 11 and 12.Here we had provided a link to download subject viz syllabus for cbse new syllabus of class 11 and cbse deleted portions class 12 in pdf format. The Education Planet Org. is a educational website which provides free NCERT notes for class 9 to class 12. You can also watch related topic video on our YouTube channel Academic Excellence in School.



CBSE syllabus being reduced.With the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting the academic calendar. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to reduce the syllabus for Classes 9 to 12 by 30 per cent to ease the burden on students. Human Resource Development minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said so For 2020-2021 academic year classes 9th to 12th syllabus has been reduced by 30%.

CBSE board has also given statement that it has decided to reduce the syllabus by 30%. Syllabus has been reduced for all the subjects. As my subject is science, I will read out the deleted portion in Science For other subjects you can check with the website address provided within the description. I am going to read CBSE10th std deleted portion first In the chapter,

Chemical substances: Nature and behavior - Metals and nonmetals, basic metallurgical process corrosion and it's prevention has been deleted.Carbon and it's compound's Nomenclature of carbon compoundscontaining functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkenes andalkynes). Difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturatedhydrocarbons. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and ethanoic acid (onlyproperties and uses), soaps and detergents. has been removed.Under Unit 2: World of living - Control and coordination in animals and plants inthe chapter - Tropic moments in plants. Introduction of plant hormones,control and coordination animals, nervous system voluntary, involuntary and reflexaction, chemical coordination, animal hormones In heredity and evolution, basicconcepts of evolution have been removed. Unit 3: Natural phenomena -The human eye and the colorful world functioning of a lens in human eye,defects of vision and their Corrections application of spherical Mirrors andlenses has been removed. In Unit 4: In the chapter, Effect of currentIn Magnetic effects of electric current electric generator, direct current,alternating current, frequency of AC advantage of AC / DC, domestic electriccircuits Under Unit 5: Natural Resources -Sources of energy - different forms ofenergy, conventional and non-conventionalsources of energy, fossil fuels, solar solar energy, biogas, wind, water and tidal energy, nuclear energy, renewable vs. and non renewable sources of energy. Deleted Practical: Finding pH of samples by using pH paper or universal indicator Dilute HCl, dilute NaOH solution,dilute ethanoic acid solution lemon juice, water, dilute hydrogencarbonate solution. Second one, determination of the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series and parallel. 3rd preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata. Fourth study of the following properties of acetic acid ethanoic acid: Odour, solubility in water, effects on litmus, reaction with the sodium hydrogen carbonate 5 study of the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft water and hard water.6 finding the image distance of for varying object distances in case ofa convex lens and drawing corresponding ray diagrams to show the nature of image formed.7 identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (Pea, gram or red kidney beans) This is the 10th std deleted portion. in a 90 day them Kanaka Aleli course astructural Olinda near tamed Irena our environment him food food production Ohde Vaca Tunde a vanilla mark Litella with a single over theater from any ironwere examined apportion the first chapter matter its nature and behaviorother 27 marks into the second organization in the living world 26marks and the third motion for Sundberg 27 max total 80 marks Indian elephantsMandi 20 Durant or 1200 materials matter its nature and behavior definition ofmatter solid liquid and gas characteristics shape volume densitychange of state melting absorption of heat freezing evaporation coolingcondensation sublimation is okay we work it under our the napa garam every daybut it can hold a portion for air first materials will matter its nature andbehavior nature of matter elements combos and mixtures heterogeneous andhomogeneous mixtures coats and suspensions particle nature and theirbasic unit cell attempts and molecules law of constant proportions atomic andmolecular masses more concept the relationship of mold to mass of theparticles and numbers structure of atoms electrons protons and neutrons valencychemical formula of common compounds isotopes anti service center image everypolygon next team the world of the livingthe only two organizations the living world L cell as a basic unit of lifeprokaryotic and eukaryotic cells multicellular organisms cell membraneand cell wall cell organelles and selling inclusions chloroplastmitochondria vacuoles endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus nucleuschromosomes basic structure number tissues organs organ system and organismstructure and function of animal and plant tissues only four types of tissuesin animals meristematic and permanent tissues in plants health and diseaseshealth and its failure infectious and non-infectious diseasestheir causes and a manifestation these is caused by microbes virus bacteria andprotozoans and their prevention principles of treatment and preventionPulse Polio programs III mana full of any moving things people and ideas unitthree motion force and work motion distance and displacement velocityuniform and non uniform motion along a straight line acceleration distance timeand velocity time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motionderivation of equations of motion by graphical method elementary idea ofuniform circular motion force and nucleus Newton's laws force and motionNewton's laws of motion action and reaction forces inertia of a bodyinertia and mass momentum force and acceleration elementary idea ofconservation of momentum gravitation Avilla gravitation universal law ofgravitation force of gravitation of the earth that is gravity acceleration dueto gravity mass and weight free fall work energy and power work done by aforce energy power kinetic and potential energy of conservation of energy thenonly for internal assessment learners are assigned you read the below listedpart of unit four they can be encouraged to prepare the brief a write-up or anyone concept of this unit in their portfolio this may be an assessment forinternal assessment and accredit may be given periodic assessment or portfoliothis portion of the unit is not to be a saint in the errant examination thenatural resources balance in nature unit for our environment physical resourcesair water soil air for respiration for combustion for moderating temperaturesmoments affair and its role in bringing rains across india air water and soilpollution brief introduction who holds an ozone layer and the probable damagesbiogeochemical cycles in nature water oxygen carbon and nitrogen three mana olava but II can't apportion in a new york entangling some shame on tangledthe CBSE a academic dot NAC not in in the websiteson are secure

Saturday, 11 July 2020

CBSE RESULT | सीबीएसई क्लास 10 रिजल्ट | सीबीएसई क्लास 12 रिजल्ट || how to check cbse result

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CBSE RESULT 2020 | सीबीएसई क्लास 10 रिजल्ट |  सीबीएसई क्लास 12  रिजल्ट How to check cbse class 10 result  How to check cbse class 12 result

सीबीएसई का रिजल्ट कैसे चेक करें ?

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उसके बाद आपको सबसे निचे लिखे      Secondary School Examination ( Class X ) 2020  या Senior School Examination ( Class XII ) 2020  पे क्लिक करेंगे |